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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Bon Voyage Master. :-(

A couple days ago we got some very sad news... My master UKnowWho had to leave the game for personal reasons and is going to be inactive for some time. This was unexpected, and unwanted too... I got attached to him and wanted him to see me growing up. Sadly that's not possible now.
I got a drawing for him, as a tribute. I can't be more happy and grateful for all he did for me since the day he picked me up and this drawing doesn't pay for everything either. But I still wanted something that would remind me of that day and of something that I considered was really important for him. He wanted to make a fleet of golden frigates, he really loves frigates, so here is it. The description for this drawing is:

"The seas turned stormy for you, but I know your sails will lead you through the right path and your ship will never get sunk by big waves. After the storm comes a calm, after all. Your heart of gold will never be forgotten and your friends will eagerly wait for your return. Stay strong! Get stronger! Bon Voyage, Master!"

Thanks for such good times and lessons Master, work hard and do your best to get out of the troubles. I will be praying for your safety and your well being.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tobacco trading and Crys' quarters!

This is what we were doing before stopping by the colony! We were doing a run of Tobacco trading from the Caribbean to London! Got my two ships full! Hundreds of Tobbaco boxes!

On our way back we caught a storm:3

And as always something happens = =' Lost some Tobbaco! Hmpf~

But in the end it was a 6 million profit ^w^ Not even close to Nanban trading, but we were just doing it to vary anyways :D It used to be a very famous trading route before Asia and India (thanks Master!)

Once we sold everything we went to visit Crys' quarters and wow! Just take a look at this :D

Loved this Sakura Blossom Bonsai!

MITTENS! *333* 
Gorgeous house! Mine is still an empty room haha. Later I will visit my Master's house!

Visit to the Colony of our Company!

In our way back from the Caribbean Crys took us to the Colony because I've never been there and I've gotta say that it's a warm place :D I've always loved these places in real life and having one in this game that looks like this is certainly special. This game is unique!


And of course I took pics of us all! ^w^

^My Master was fishing over my head lol

Thanks for bringing me here and being awesome! You guys are the best! If I had to pick a permanent in-game family to stay forever it would be you two

Crys' toon is gorgeous :D And my Master's toon is such a handsome sir! I look like their daughter XD

Until the next time Colony!

Sailing together once again!

Everytime I remember the first day it makes me giggle:) We're sailing together again! :D The only difference is that I'm not a smallfry anymore thanks to my Master XD It's the business day today!

   This pic has to be here: 
     My Master has done a very great job 
                     taking care of me, for reals >3<

And this is just the beginning! A legacy is about to start. :)

And the last post for tonight!

First the awesome MSpecF and now my master just left me speechless when he brought me THIS!

I'm gearing getting ready for piracy and my master just brings me the BEST sword in the entire game! 
I simply don't know what to say or how to thank him for this; I actually will never be able to thank him for everything he's doing for me ;_; But only thing I'm sure about is that I'm SO HAPPY! about this and that thanks to him I'll be one of the best pirates in the game and there's no space for no-s because I WILL get there! No matter what! I will train hard and achieve what I'm playing for, even if I get killed/sunk several times nothing will stop me now until one day I don't sink/die anymore. So get ready UWO GAMA, 'Velvet Fear' Nyxie and The Green Frigates Fleet are coming!

Getting stronger exponentially with every passing day. :)

Master's Project! Beautiful MSpecFs!

Aaaand the best of the night *o* This is what my Master got for the fleet!

Modified Special Frigates! *3*
These are gonna be the BEST MSpecFs in whole server! And so will be my Master's fleet!
I need to keep training to become a powerful pirate 

 Let's GO!

Monday, July 14, 2014

It all began here:)

Flashback! When I was a smallfry xD It all began here for us:) This was right after I met them both and it was my first trip to Asia :D My first nanban run:) This was the beginning of our friendship ^w^ Kudos Master and Crys :D Look at how much I've grew up!

I remember I was sailing back from Tunis to Seville and I found my master on the way, then he sent me a fleet invitation and took me to Seville because I was so slow XD



Thanks Master!

Great moments 

Random stuff while training = ='

So I've been training in a zone infested with pirates and got surprised by this fleet while I was fighting xD

 It was funny:) Me trying to run away from them and boom 'where ya think ye goin' mate? stop right der'

 Then all the fleets were hiding from me, I must have overwhelm'd them all. The area was like a desert xD

 So I turn my steering to north and found these guys, kept myself there for a while until I got sunk from lag:(

Level up yay :D Time for a new pro ship ^_^ Sponsored by my Master :'D

And here we are with Gabriel:) He's my Master's maritime!

Just keeping these moments so when I turn pro one of these days I can look back and be like: oh, my days as a beginner :') These moments never come back in games!